
How to Install Local Group Policy Editor for Windows 10/11 Home Editions (Tutorial)


Welcome to this quick guide where I'm going to show you how to get a Group Policy Editor if you're using a Home version of Windows 10 or Windows 11.

As you most probably already know, if you have a Windows 10 Pro version, you'll have access to the Local Group Policy Editor that's built into Windows. You can access that by pressing Windows key and R and then typing the command "gpedit.msc", then hit enter or click on OK. 

This tool (the Local Group Policy Editor) allows you to make advanced tweaks in Windows.

The Problem with Home Versions

But if you take a Windows 10 Home version, for example, and you try to run the same command, you'll get an error that says "Windows cannot find gpedit.msc" because it's not included in the Windows 10 and 11 Home versions of Windows.

The Solution: Policy Plus

To fix that, we're going to download Policy Plus, which is a Local Group Policy Editor for all editions of Windows.

I also have a video version if you'd prefer to watch it:

Step 1: Download Policy Plus

1. Go to the Policy Plus GitHub Page linked below and download the latest release. 

2. On the GitHub page, scroll down until you find the Releases tab on the right and then click on the latest release.

3. On the releases page, you'll find a PolicyPlus.exe file which you can click on to start the download.

Step 2: Install Policy Plus

4. Once the download is finished, click on "Open File," and Policy Plus will launch. You should see a notification that says, "Home Editions do not come with the full set of policy definitions, would you like to download them now?"

5. Click on "Yes" to download the necessary files. If you accidentally click "No," you can also download them later by clicking on "Help" and then "Acquire ADMX files."

6. Choose a destination folder when prompted and click on "Begin."

7. You'll be prompted to open the downloaded files; click "Yes."

8. Policy Plus will now be set up for Windows 10 and 11 Home users.


Now you can go ahead and use Policy Plus to perform any tweaks or change advanced settings in Windows 10 or 11Home versions, just like you would in Windows 10 or 11 Pro versions. 

I hope this guide helped you out. Please like the video and check out my other helpful guides on the channel or website. 

See ya!

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