
How to Enable Virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows 11 (In-Depth Tutorial)

Welcome to this quick guide where I'm going to show you how to enable virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Enabling Virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows 11 can be quite a difficult task for some users as it involves accessing the BIOS, which can be tricky to navigate at times.

In this guide, I have tried to make the process as simple as possible.

I also have a video version if you'd like to watch it:

Accessing the BIOS Settings

Before you can enable virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows 11, you first have to enable virtualization in your BIOS settings.

1. Rebooting your computer into the BIOS:
   - Right click on the Start button.
   - Go to the Shutdown or Sign Out section and click on Restart while holding down the left shift key on your keyboard.

2. Accessing the UEFI Firmware Settings:
   - Click on Troubleshoot, then on Advanced Options.
   - Choose the option that says UEFI Firmware Settings and click on that.
   - This will restart your computer to the BIOS settings.

   *Note: If your computer does not have a UEFI BIOS, follow these alternative steps.

   - Shut down your computer.
   - After switching your computer on again, start hitting the "Delete" or "Escape" key on your keyboard to enter the BIOS.

Enabling Virtualization for Intel CPU on Gigabyte Motherboard

In your BIOS, look for settings related to the CPU or Advanced BIOS features. Use the arrow keys or mouse to navigate the BIOS.

1. Access the BIOS Features menu and find the option called "Intel Virtualization Technology" and "VT-D".
2. Enable both options by changing them from Disabled to Enabled using the arrow and enter keys on your keyboard.
3. Press F10 on your keyboard or navigate to the Save and Exit section of your BIOS and then choose the save and exit option and press enter.

Enabling Virtualization for AMD CPU on Gigabyte Motherboard

1. From the main screen, select "Advanced Frequency Settings" and then "Advanced CPU Settings."
2. Look for the option called "SVM Mode" which enables virtualization for AMD CPUs.
3. Change "SVM Mode" from Disabled to Enabled using the arrow keys.
4. Press F10 on your keyboard or navigate to the Save and Exit section of your BIOS and then choose the save and exit option and press enter.

Finding Virtualization Settings in BIOS

If you have trouble locating virtualization settings in your BIOS, use the following steps:

1. Open System Information app (Search for "System Information" in Windows 10 or Windows 11).
2. Note down your motherboard's manufacturer and model.
3. Search for the motherboard make and model with "manual" included on Google.
4. Find the manual for your motherboard and search for "virtualization" to locate the settings.

Alternatively, search for your laptop's manual if you have a laptop and find the virtualization settings in the laptop's manual.

If you still need assistance, check Microsoft's web page linked below that provides guides on enabling virtualization for common PC manufacturers.

Enabling Virtualization in Windows 10 and Windows 11

1. After enabling virtualization in the BIOS, restart your computer.
2. Open the search bar (or use the Windows key + S shortcut).
3. Search for "turn Windows features on or off" and click on that option which should be located in the control panel.
4. Scroll down and enable "Virtual Machine Platform" and "Windows Hypervisor Platform".
   - If available, you can also enable "Hyper-V".
5. Click OK and restart your computer when prompted.

After your computer restarts, virtualization will be successfully enabled in Windows 10 or Windows 11, allowing you to use apps that require virtualization.

I hope this guide helps you out, please like the YouTube video to support the channel.

See ya!

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