
How to Download & Install Blender (Windows 10/11 Tutorial)


Are you ready to dive into the world of 3D modeling and animation? Look no further! 

In this quick guide, I'll walk you through the steps to download and install Blender on both Windows 10 and Windows 11. 

I also have a video version if you'd prefer to watch it:

Step 1: Access the Blender Website

To initiate the installation process, you'll need to visit the official Blender website

Step 2: Download Blender

Once you're on the Blender website, locate the prominent "Download" button and give it a click. 

This will redirect you to the Blender download page.

Step 3: Start the Download

On the Blender download page, you'll find another button labeled "Download Blender." 

Click this button, and the download should commence automatically. 

However, if it doesn't start automatically, simply select "Download Manually" to kickstart the process.

Step 4: Obtain the Blender Installer

Once the download is complete, you'll have the Blender installer file safely stored on your computer.

Step 5: Launch the Blender Setup Wizard

Locate the downloaded installer file and open it. 

This action will initiate the Blender Setup Wizard. 

On the initial screen, click "Next."

Step 6: Accept License Terms

To proceed, make sure to check the box confirming your acceptance of the license terms. 

Then, click "Next" again.

Step 7: Choose Installation Location (Optional)

At this point, you have the option to customize the installation location for Blender on your computer. 

If you're content with the default location, simply click "Next" to continue.

Step 8: Install Blender

Now, you're all set to install Blender.

Click "Install" to begin the installation process.

If you encounter any user account control prompts, just click "Yes" to grant the necessary permissions.

Step 9: Wait for Installation Completion

Sit back and relax while Blender gets installed on your computer.

This might take a moment, so be patient.

Step 10: Finish Installation

Once the installation is complete, click "Finish" to wrap things up.

Step 11: Access Blender

Now that you've successfully installed Blender, it's time to access it. 

Head to your desktop, where you should find the Blender icon prominently displayed. 

If, for some reason, it's not there, don't worry.

You can also locate Blender under "Recently Added Items" by clicking "Start."

Step 12: Launch Blender

Go ahead and click on the Blender icon to launch the application.

Blender should open up on your computer, ready for your creative adventures.

Troubleshooting Tip

If you encounter any errors during the installation, such as graphics card compatibility issues (like the one in the video), fear not.

This may be due to specific system configurations, like running Blender on a virtual machine. 

In most cases, Blender should work smoothly on your computer.


And that's it! You've successfully downloaded and installed Blender on your Windows 10 or Windows 11 system. 

I hope this guide was helpful to you. 

If it was, please consider giving the video a thumbs up and exploring more of my informative guides on this website and YouTube channel.

See ya!

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