
How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 & 11 with the Windows Uninstaller (Tutorial)


Welcome to this quick guide where I'll walk you through the process of uninstalling Microsoft Edge from Windows 10 and Windows 11. 

Microsoft recently announced the ability to uninstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 and Windows 11 due to the Digital Market Act in the EU. According to [Microsoft's blog post], this feature is now available, allowing users to uninstall various apps, including Microsoft Edge.

If you find this information helpful, please show your support by clicking the like button on the video below and subscribing to the channel. Now, let's dive into the guide.

Checking Your System Build

Before proceeding with the uninstallation, ensure that your Windows system is up to date. Check your system build by following these steps:

1. Click on the Start button.
2. Type "winver" in the search bar and open the tool.
3. Verify that your build matches the required version for your Windows (either for Windows 10 or Windows 11).

The required versions are:
Windows 10 build 19045.3757 or above
Windows 11 build 22631.2787 or build 22621.2787 or above.

If your system is not up to date, right-click on the Start button, go to Settings, navigate to Windows Update, and click on "Check for updates."

Downloading Vive Tool

To initiate the uninstallation process, you'll need to download ViveTool. Follow these steps:

2. Scroll down and download the ViveTool zip file.
3. Extract the files to your preferred location (I used the Downloads folder).

Setting Up Vive Tool

Once you've downloaded ViveTool, follow these steps to set it up:

1. Copy the extracted ViveTool folder.
2. Navigate to your C drive and paste the folder.
3. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator.
4. Change the directory to the ViveTool folder by typing "cd" and then pasting the path to the ViveTool folder on your computer. ex:

cd C:\ViVeTool-v0.3.3

5. Enable Microsoft Edge uninstallation by entering the following command:

vivetool /enable /id:44353396

6. You should see a message in Command Prompt stating "Successfully set feature configruation(s)"

Modifying Windows Settings

To proceed with uninstalling Microsoft Edge, you need to modify some settings in the Windows folder:

1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the System32 folder.
2. Search for the term "integrate" and you should find a file called "IntegratedServicesRegionPolicySet.json", copy it to your desktop as a backup.
3. Right-click on the file (in the System32 folder), go to Properties then Security.
4. Click on Advanced and change the Ownership to "Administrators" and click on OK & OK again.
5. Back in the Security Tab, click on Edit, select Administrators and then click on the "Allow" checkbox next to "Full Control".
6. Click on Apply, then Yes and then on OK and OK again.
7. Open Notepad as an administrator, click on File & then Open. 
8. Navigate to the "IntegratedServicesRegionPolicySet.json" file and open it.
9. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following key.

HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\International\Geo

10. Take not of the "Data" value next to "Name"
11. In the open Notepad tab, edit the "IntegratedServicesRegionPolicySet.json" file.
11.1 Change the "defaultState" to "enabled"
11.2 Below the Region tab, add a new region (it needs to be the same as the "Data" value next to the "Name" registry key in the previous step). ex: "ZA", or "US", 
12. In Notepad, Click on File then Save.
13. Restart your computer.

Uninstalling Microsoft Edge

1. Right-click on the Start button and select "Installed Apps."
2. Locate Microsoft Edge in the list and attempt to uninstall it.
3. If the uninstall option is not available, you can follow additional steps to change your region settings as shown in the video above or you can either try restarting your computer a few times or just wait a day like I did.

Reinstalling Microsoft Edge without another Browser

1. Click on the Start button and do a search for Powershell.
2. Enter & run the following command to launch the Chris Titus Tech Windows Utility.

iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex


irm https://christitus.com/win | iex

3. Navigate to the "Config" tab and click on "WinGet Reinstall".
4. Navigate back to the "Install" tab, select "Edge" and click on "Install Selected"
5. Microsoft Edge will be reinstalled on your computer via WinGet.


After these steps, you should be able to uninstall Microsoft Edge successfully using the built-in Windows uninstaller tools. If you encounter any issues, be sure to leave a comment on the video. I hope this guide has been useful; please like the video and stay tuned for more content.

See ya!

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