
How to Enable & Disable Copilot in Windows 11 and 10 (Tutorial)


Welcome to my step-by-step guide on enabling or disabling Copilot for Windows 10 and Windows 11. 

If you've been wondering how to get Copilot in Windows 11 OR how to remove Copilot from the taskbar, this guide is for you as I'll take you through the entire process step-by-step.

If you find this guide helpful, don't forget to hit the like button on the video below and subscribe for more helpful content.

Getting Started

To begin with, it's important to check if Copilot is already enabled on your system, as it is on my copy of Windows 11, even though my computer is currently unsupported. I will demonstrate how to disable Copilot, noting that the enabling process mirrors these steps.

Step 1: Check Your Windows Version

Start by searching for "Winver" on your computer and run the command to see which version and build number you are on. For instance, I am on version 22H2 of Windows 11. Ensure your system is up-to-date by checking for the latest updates. At the time of recording, version 23H2 was available for Windows 11.

Step 2: Download Vive Tool

Navigate to your web browser and search for "Vive Tool releases" to find the [GitHub page for Vive Tool.

Download the latest version of Vive Tool from the releases page, which at the time of this guide was version 0.3.3. 

Save the zip file to your downloads folder and extract it to your C drive by dragging and dropping, then selecting "extract."

Step 3: Open Command Prompt with Admin Rights

After extracting the Vive Tool, copy the folder's address from the address bar. 

Open the Start menu, search for "CMD," and run it as an administrator. 

Use the "CD" command followed by a right-click to paste the folder's path and change the directory to the Vive Tool folder on your C drive. ex:

cd C:\ViVeTool-v0.3.3

*Note - Your version number might be different, adjust the command accordingly.

Step 4: Run the Vive Tool Command

Copy the command below and paste it into the command prompt. 

If you wish to Enable Copilot, use this command:

vivetool /enable /id:44774629,44776738,44850061,42105254,41655236

If you wish to Disable Copilot, use this command:

vivetool /disable /id:44774629,44776738,44850061,42105254,41655236

Upon execution, you should see a confirmation message indicating successful configuration.

Step 5: Restart Your Computer

After running the command, restart your computer to apply the changes. 

If Copilot was previously enabled, you should now see that the Copilot button is missing from the taskbar, and searching for Copilot yields no results, indicating it has been disabled. 

To re-enable, follow the same steps and switch the command from "disable" to "enable" like explained above.

Please note that re-enabling Copilot might not work immediately and may require a day or so before it reappears.


This guide should help you manage the Copilot feature on your Windows 10 or 11 system. If you found this guide useful, please like the video and subscribe for more tips. 

See ya!

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