
BEST WAY to COMPLETELY Uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10/11 (No Software Required)

Welcome to this quick guide where I'll demonstrate how to uninstall Microsoft Edge from your Windows 10 and Windows 11 systems without relying on any third-party software.

In this step-by-step walkthrough, I'll show you the process using PowerShell and a utility by Chris Titus Tech. 

Let's get started!

I also have a video version if you'd prefer to watch it:


Microsoft Edge, the default web browser in Windows 10 and Windows 11, cannot be uninstalled through the standard Windows uninstaller tools. However, I'll guide you through an alternative method that involves utilizing a PowerShell script created by AveYo. 
You can also opt to use a tweaked version of the script by Chris Titus Tech. 

Here's how to go about it.

Downloading the Script by AveYo (OPTIONAL)

Access & Download the Script:
To begin, you can obtain the PowerShell script created by AveYo from its GitHub page.

On the GitHub page, click on the "Download raw file" button over on the right. 
This will initiate the download of the edge removal.bat file onto your computer.

Use Chris Titus Tech's WinUtil to Run the Edge Removal Script

1. Accessing PowerShell: 
Open the Start menu and search for "PowerShell." Once you find the Windows PowerShell app, right-click on it and select "Run as administrator." 
This will ensure you have the necessary permissions to execute commands.

2. Running the Script:
In the PowerShell window, input the command below to launch the Chris Titus Tech Windows utility.
(copy the code below & run in Windows Powershell)

irm https://christitus.com/win | iex 

Credit to Chris Titus:

Press "Enter" on your keyboard to execute the command.

3. Installing Chocolatey (Optional): 
During the utility's launch, you might be prompted to install Chocolatey. 
You can choose not to install it by pressing 'n' and then hitting 'Enter.'

4. Installing Another Browser (Recommended):
If you don't have another browser installed on your system, I recommend installing one before proceeding. 
You can select your preferred browser from the list on the left and click on "Install Selection."

5. Uninstalling Microsoft Edge:
Head to the "Tweaks" tab within the utility. 
Choose the option labeled "Remove Microsoft Edge" from the list on the right and then click on "Run Tweaks."
This action will trigger the Edge removal script.

6. Script Execution:
The script by AveYo will start executing, incorporating the additional tweaks by Chris Titus.
Once it's complete, you'll see a message confirming the successful removal of Microsoft Edge.

7. Verifying Uninstallation:
You can now close all open windows.
To ensure that Microsoft Edge has been uninstalled, navigate to the Start menu, click on "All Apps," and go to the 'M' section. Microsoft Edge should no longer appear in the list.
Additionally, if you check your installed apps, Microsoft Edge should be absent.


This method presents a more effective way to uninstall Microsoft Edge from both Windows 10 and Windows 11 than my previous method as it eliminates the need for third-party software and provides a straightforward process. 

I hope this guide has helped you out.
Please like the YouTube video and watch any of my other helpful guides to support the channel! 

See ya!

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