
How to Update Windows 10 to 11 (Update Assistant Tutorial)

Welcome to this quick guide where I'll walk you through the process of updating your Windows 10 installation to Windows 11 using the Windows 11 Update Assistant.

Whether you're excited about the new features or just want to stay up-to-date, I've got you covered with a simple step-by-step process.

I also have a video version if you'd prefer to watch it:

Step 1: Checking Compatibility

Before we dive in, it's essential to ensure your system supports the upgrade to Windows 11 for this method to work. Follow these steps to find out:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Visit the official [Download Windows 11] page by Microsoft.
3. Look for the "Before installing, please refer to the PC Health Check app" option.
4. Click on "PC Health Check" to download the PC Health Check app or download it directly by clicking here.
5. Once downloaded, run the setup wizard by clicking "Open File" and then "Install."
6. After installation, make sure the option to open the PC Health Check app is selected and click "Finish."
7. Launch the PC Health Check app and click on "Check Now."
8. If your PC meets the system requirements, you're good to go. 

If not, follow my guide for updating on unsupported hardware. (Coming Soon)

Step 2: Downloading the Windows 11 Installation Assistant

Assuming your PC is compatible, let's move on to the next steps:

1. Close the PC Health Check app and return to the [Download Windows 11] page.
2. Scroll down until you find the "Windows 11 Installation Assistant."
3. Click "Download Now" to start the download.
4. Once downloaded, click "Open File," and if prompted, accept any prompts.
5. The Windows 11 Installation Assistant will launch.

Step 3: Upgrading to Windows 11

Now, let's proceed with the upgrade process:

1. Review the terms and click "Accept and Install."
2. The Windows 11 Installation Assistant will initiate three steps:
   a. Downloading Windows 11 Files: This step gathers the necessary files for the upgrade. You can continue using your PC during this stage.
   b. Verifying Downloaded Files: The downloaded files are verified for integrity.
   c. Installing Windows 11: The actual installation begins. You can still use your PC, but remember it will restart after reaching 100%.
3. After completion, a screen will prompt a restart in 30 minutes. You can choose to restart later or now.

Step 4: Finalizing the Upgrade

With the final stretch ahead, let's wrap things up:

1. Choose to restart now for the final phase.
2. Your PC will log out, and the Windows 11 installation process will begin.
3. Keep in mind that the upgrade duration can vary, from 30 minutes to a few hours, based on your storage type (SSD or HDD).
4. Your PC may restart multiple times during this process.
5. Once completed, you'll be greeted with the Windows 11 welcome screen and prompted to log in.
6. Voila! You've successfully upgraded to Windows 11.


Congratulations, you've successfully updated your Windows 10 to Windows 11!
I hope this guide made the upgrade process smoother for you, if it did, remember to like to YouTube video and check out any of my other helpful guides on the channel!

See ya!

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