
How to Move the Windows 11 Taskbar (Tutorial)

Welcome to this quick guide where I'll walk you through the process of moving the taskbar in Windows 11. 

While the default options might not allow for this customization, I'll show you a workaround that involves using a third-party application. Don't worry, it's a straightforward process!

Let's dive in.

I also have a video version if you'd prefer to watch it:

Step 1: Accessing the Third-Party Application

1. To begin, open up your preferred web browser.
2. Navigate to the following web page:

Step 2: Downloading and Installing the Patch

1. On the Explorer Patcher GitHub page, locate the "Releases" tab on the right side and click on the "Latest Release."
2. Scroll down to find the "Assets" section, and then download the "ep_setup.exe" file.
3. Once the download is complete, open the downloaded "ep_setup.exe" file.
4. If prompted, accept any user account control prompts.

Step 3: Applying the Taskbar Changes

1. After launching the "ep_setup.exe" file, be patient if your computer appears frozen for a moment; it will recover.
2. At this point, you'll notice that your taskbar has been transformed to resemble Windows 10.
3. Right-click on an empty space within the taskbar and select "Properties" to open the Explorer Patcher Properties window.
4. Inside the "Taskbar" tab, locate the "Primary Taskbar Location on screen" option.
5. Click on this option and choose from the available alternatives. For example, select "Top" to move the taskbar to the top of the screen.
6. Additionally, there's a "Secondary Taskbar Location on screen" option for secondary monitors if you have one.
7. Select your desired location for the taskbar.
8. Click on "Restart File Explorer" at the bottom left of the window to apply the changes.

Step 4: Customizing Additional Settings

As a bonus, I'll guide you through some extra adjustments you can make with the Explorer Patcher:

   a. Hide the Task View button.
   b. Modify the "Combine Taskbar Icon" setting to "Always Combine".
   c. In the System Tray section, hide the Control Center button (gear icon).
   d. Adjust the Start Menu Style to resemble Windows 10.
   e. Change the Start Menu position from "Center" to "At Screen Edge."

After making these changes, click on "Restart File Explorer" to finalize the adjustments.


Congratulations! You've successfully moved the taskbar in Windows 11 using the Explorer Patcher application. 

This method allows you to place your taskbar at the location of your preference, whether it's the top, bottom, or sides of your screen. 

Remember that while this process involves a third-party application, it's a relatively simple way to achieve the customization you desire. 

Feel free to explore more guides on my YouTube channel for additional helpful tips and tricks.

See ya!

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